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Employee Classes Brochure

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Employee Classes Brochure

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Employee Classes Brochure

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Emphasize also this : » Lectures Time & Lecturers » Prospects Graduates » Excellence » Study Load & Study Period » Terms Student, Procedure & Schedules Admission
Education Systems
Student Status, Status Graduate, Diploma, Degree

Education systems are implemented in a professional manner by integrating the Regular Tuition Program and Employee Lectures. So that the regular students can absorb work experience from the Employee Lectures STIE Hidayatullah Depok students, well as in general the regular students got a job from employee lectures student, because some participants Employee Lectures are entrepreneurs, managers, directors, etc.
The benefits of the integration of the Regular Program and Employee Lectures, among others:
  1. Making the most student Regular Program get a job before graduating from college, and others working directly so graduated from college. In general, regular students get a job or career advancement from employee lectures student.
  2. For regular students who have to work or get a job, be able to finish his studies on time, by switching to Employee Lectures, no charge whatsoever.
  3. Likewise for the regular students who work on shifts (turnover time), tbe able to finish his studies on time, by switching to Employee Lectures, no charge whatsoever.
In addition to face to face lectures, teaching-learning process is designed in such a way to use credits system implemented in a professional manner, and utilizing a variety of effective methods through individual task oriented, communicative group work, and ending with the guidance of is directed, programmed and scheduled so that students can complete studies on time.
Graduates and Students Regular Program and Employee Lectures STIE Hidayatullah Depok, have STATUS, QUALITY, TITLE ACADEMIC, DEGREE, and DIPLOMAS THE SAME. And has a degree in accordance with the level of education and department / field of science, and has the right to use the title as well as the right to continue their education to a higher level.
Regular Tuition (Online Lectures / Blended) students who fail a course, they will be able to repeat courses in the semester / next period (anytime) at no extra cost.
Graduates S1 Regular Tuition Program (Online Lectures / Blended) STIE Hidayatullah Depok prepared a Bachelor (S1) in accordance with department / study program which can develop their identity with the provision of science, technology, and art, so as to resolve / solve problems and develop their knowledge.
The curriculum is based on Semester Credit System. Quality curriculum designed in addition to referring to the national curriculum, as well as by developments in science, technology, art, and to the needs of the workforce and the need for further studies into higher education.
For regular tuition (online lectures / blended) students who are working are not allowed to attend classes for several meetings, when students get a job related to overtime work, or work with the system replacement time, work assignments outside the city / country, with a particular mechanism.
Graduates Regular Tuition Program (Online Lectures / Blended) STIE Hidayatullah Depok have strong ability to master the theory as well as applications, and professional skills as well as a comprehensive perspective; develop frame of mind attitude oriented professionals in solving the problem based on the flow-systems thinking; able to develop theoretical studies of current conceptual; has the ability to perform a variety of basic research and applied.
Graduates Regular Tuition (Online Lectures / Blended) STIE Hidayatullah Depok are also equipped with the knowledge, academic and professional ethics, ability and skills to manage a team / organization comprehensively in the field according to the field of science; ability to cooperate in teams, the ability to understand science to ethics, the ability to understand the knowledge of appropriate field of science, as well as equipped with the ability to utilize information and communication technologies for their needs.
Basic competence Graduates S1 Regular Tuition Program (Online Lectures / Blended) STIE Hidayatullah Depok is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know how and can continually learn; in deal with each problem, was able to uncover the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology; able to apply science and knowledge; competent and skilled for the field of science; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to utilize effectively the resources available; able to initiate the establishment of pilot units for the field of entrepreneurship knowledge, able to follow new developments in the field of science, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

SKS Load & Education Period

Study period and study load of students who have taken Regular Program follow the standards already set by the government, namely:
Minister's decision (Permendikbudristek) Number 53 in 2023 (please click)
Higher Education Quality Assurance.

ToStudy Load
(Credits to be taken)
Study Period
Graduate SMA, SMK, equivalent
to S-1 Program
Study Load = 144 - 152 sks8 semester
Graduate D-III, Polytechnic,
Academy, equivalent
to S-1 Program
Study Load = 40 - 46 sks
(If not a piece of science additional are given 2 - 21 sks)
3 semester
Graduate D2, S1, D1,
Transfer to S1
Calculated from remaining creditsCalculated from remaining credits

Quickly Got Job or Improve Career

Wise Solutions for Quickly Got Job or Improve Career

Most students of the Regular Program in STIE Hidayatullah Depok are people who have not worked or recently graduated high school (SMA) / vocational (SMK) / MA. While most students Employee Class Program (P2K / ECP) are people who already have jobs (employees, employers / entrepreneurs, directors, managers, etc.).

With the integration of these two programs (regular and employee class), it helps the students in the regular program to get a job. And those who are already working, very helpful in improving his/her career.

Both of these student groups always compact and help each other solve their difficulties. Both difficulties in terms of academic, financial / finance, employment, and other problems. Likewise, the graduates (alumni), has strong ties to help each other fellow alumni STIE Hidayatullah Depok.

During the regular students who have not worked, will gain work experience from colleagues students in classes of employees. And in the end most of the regular students got a job before graduating from college, while others work directly out of college. They obtain employment or advancement of fellow student employee class.

Therefore, if you want to quickly be able to job or want to improve career, then right choice is continuing education in STIE Hidayatullah Depok (Hidayatullah College of Economics Depok)

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Campus : Jl. Raya Kalimulya, Kalimulya, Cilodong, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16413
Regular Tuition Program (Online Lectures / Blended)
  ✆   Quality of Learning System A+